After your Campaign is complete, if relevant, your Media Owner will submit a report including analytics, customer feedback, and images. This report will be available based on what your Media Owner communicates. 

In this article:

Here's how to view your Campaign Report:

  • Click on the Campaigns tab.

  • Find the relevant Campaign, click the Actions dropdown menu and View report.
  • Reports are available in campaigns when they have been completed and have the Completed status.

  • Access campaign analytics, including reach numbers, customer feedback, demographic data, and images.

  • If the Media Owner has uploaded additional report documentation, it can be accessed by scrolling down to the Individual activation report section and click on the View activation report button.

  • Once clicking the button, you will be able to access the images and documents that have been uploaded by the Media Owner.

If you're still having trouble with this, please reach out to your customer service rep or contact, and a member of our team will be in touch.