Create cancellation terms and cancel bookings made by Media Buyers. All users can submit a cancellation request however only Super Admins can approve cancellations.

In this article:

Here's how to manage cancellations.

1. Select the Account settings tab, then Cancellation settings.

2. Fill in the three fields outlining the cancellation terms. These terms will be applied to all bookings. Click the Update button to confirm cancellation settings. 

3. Type in the number of days in the first field where if a Media Buyer cancels within those days, a full credit will be issued. 

4. For the second field, type in the number of days a partial credit can be issued within.

5. For the third field, type in the partial cancellation credit percentage that will be issued if the brand cancels within the number of days as per the second field. 

  • Select the Bookings tab, then the Campaigns tab to view all bookings.
  • For the activation you would like to cancel, click the Actions drop-down menu, then select View campaign.

  • In the Activations tab, click on the Actions drop-down menu, then select Cancel activation.

  • Next, select the cancellation effective date. 

  • After selecting the date, a credit will automatically populate in the Credit issued % field, depending on your Cancellation settings.
  • The Credit issued % field can be updated as needed.
  • Type the reason why this activation is being canceled, then click on Cancel activation. 

  • The activation status will then change to Cancelled. 
  • You can view the details of this by clicking on View cancellation details.


Media Owner 

Super admins can cancel an activation, or a Media site admin/Sales manager with Grant cancellation approval access enabled (this is configurable by a Super admin in the User settings section.

A user without cancellation access can submit a request to cancel an activation, which will notify users with appropriate access to accept/decline the request.

Media Buyer 

The Media Buyer will be notified via email that their activation has been cancelled and will be given the option to create a new campaign.

If you're still having trouble with this, please reach out to your customer service rep or contact, and a member of our team will be in touch.